

隨著道路上的私家車越來越多,作為一名高速交警, 在日常的事故處理崗位上,遇到各種形形色色的交通事故, 其中不乏因缺乏安全意識而造成嚴重事故後果的案例,下面, 我將從自身幾年來的工作經驗出發, 以一名高速公路交通事故處理民警的角度, 來談一談高速公路行車的安全注意事項, 希望能對司乘朋友的行車安全有所幫助:


這是一個老生常談的問題, 也是一個很多司乘朋友很不以為然的問題。誠然, 在地方上開車尤其是城市道路, 我個人觀點安全帶的作用大部分是應付交警,實際作用並不大。 而在高速公路上,系與不系安全帶卻會在事故後果中產生天壤之別。 我出現場的2007年度的事故中, 我印象中最少有兩起小車單方造成的死亡事故都是沒有系安全帶引起 的,其中一起是輛帕薩特自翻,車上只有司機一人, 如果他系上安全帶的話,我個人認為最多是輕傷, 法醫鑒定為頸椎骨折致死,全是翻車時身體不受限制運動造成; 第二起也是小車單方, 在高速行駛時前輪爆胎造成車輛失控多次撞擊道路護欄, 共有司乘兩人,司機系了安全帶毫髮無傷, 而副駕駛上的乘客因為沒系安全帶,且在放倒的座位上斜躺著休息, 結果在車輛失控打時被從後風擋玻璃處甩出車外致死。


剛才提到了車輛爆胎,在高速行駛時小車爆胎尤其是前輪爆胎造成的 後果遠比大車爆胎嚴重, 爆胎雖然不可預料, 但在我們的事故處理中常常發現一個有趣的現象: 如果是左前輪爆胎造成車輛失控撞擊護欄,撞的往往是右側護欄, 反之亦然。究其原因,在車輛爆胎時因胎徑及摩擦係數的不同, 車輛的運行軌跡將偏向爆胎的方向,爆左前輪向左偏, 爆右前輪向右偏,而司機在打方向糾正時, 指向性能反映在已爆胎的車輛上是有一個遲緩性的, 加之因爆胎造成的慌亂,常常造成糾正過度, 從而人為加劇車輛的失控,致使左前輪爆反而撞上了右邊護欄, 甚至連續多次撞擊左右護欄的現象發生。正確的做法是在車輛爆胎時 ,首先要緊握方向,不管車頭向哪偏,給一個固定的糾正角度( 與你的實際車速有關)並用力保持,同時不要採取緊急制動, 因為這時車輛的制動能力在縱線上是不平衡的, 讓減速行為掌握在受控制的過程中並努力保持原來的行車軌跡,切忌 急打方向糾正。


超速行駛的危害大家都知道,無論是地方還是高速, 都會造成不可挽回的後果。如果你駕駛一輛時速 100KM的小車,假設你身高 170CM,從你眼睛發現情況,到大腦做出判斷,再反映在?車制 動,生理上的反應時間是1.7S左右,而這時你的車輛已經前行了 47.2M 40的距離!會包含多少無可奈何的生命!我們曾經在限速 70 KM/H 的路段查超速( 110公里我們才紀錄),有輛小車竟然跑了 203KM/H,看著照片,我們都說這個駕駛員遲早要報銷, 那是他的命,命在他的手中,別人無能為力。對於超速行為, 我只有兩句話:一句是"十禍九快",一句是不要迷信"好車", 往往有些人迷信自己的車好,性能就好, 但是生命面前是人人平等的,我們手?有寶馬745, 有保時捷卡宴,還有S80,不管日本車歐洲車,只要超速出事, 該死死該傷傷,一點不耽誤。我國最高等級的高速公路限高速是 120KM/H,這是寫在安全法?的法定最高時速, 這不是沒有根據的,據國外資料,如果一輛時速超過 160KM的小車發生爆胎事故,不管你是否系安全帶, 司乘人員的死亡率是100%!記住,不是50%,也不是99%, 是100%!敬告那些喜歡一上高速就把油門踩到底的司機朋友, 祈禱你的輪胎安然無恙罷。


還是爆胎問題引出的題目,這是一個很偶然的因素,你說你是新車? 我們手? 5000公里不到的新車爆胎,至於車型我不方便在這?說, 但可以透漏是**公司十萬元左右最普通的家用車;除了出行前檢查 輪胎,還有機油問題、潤滑油問題、降溫液問題, 甚至雨刮和玻璃水也要仔細檢查, 我們曾經下班時壞了雨刮,邪門, 偏偏是左雨刮,那天又正好是雨夾雪, 可想而知我們那幾十公里的路是怎麼回的家!不堪回首啊, 這是高速公路,前不著村後不著店的,幸虧我們是警車又熟悉路況, 打著雙閃和警燈就這樣歪著脖子開車堅持下了路,要是換了別人, 要麼受罪,要麼就容易出危險了。回到家後檢查車輛, 原來是雨刮連杆掉了一個螺絲, 一毛錢都不到的維修成本造成了多大的麻煩和隱患!


相信很多經常上高速的司機朋友都會發現高速沿線不時會有這樣那樣 的警告標語和警示燈, 我以前沒上高速幹的時候也是沒有在意這些東西, 但幹了這幾年才深深感觸,那每個"事故多發路段,請謹慎駕駛" 的標語和這樣那樣不起眼的小黃燈、小藍燈後面都是血淋淋的教訓和 殘酷, 相信我,這些東西的設置決不是隨心和隨意的,沒有十幾條、 幾十條人命和規律性的大事故發生, 高速公司和我們是不會費那個周折的。 當您在路上見到類似的警告標誌時, 一定要有意識的降低車速並保持車距, 同時做好應對緊急情況的準備,畢竟,距離產生美, 這點用在與老婆恩愛相處及安全行車上都很有好處。


在我國目前的現實,這是一個全國普遍的規律: 夜間行車的大貨車數量要遠遠多於白天在路上跑的。在我們這?, 光說大貨車,白天與夜間的比例能達到15甚 至更高, 晚上巡邏時左邊是一溜白燈,右邊是一溜紅燈,一邊一串看不到頭, 這曾經讓我們困惑過,白天視野又好,車流量又小, 為什麼這麼多的貨車要晝伏夜出?以至我們經常為處警徹夜不眠。 後來通過和當事司機聊天才知道,白天要裝卸貨物、維修車輛、 辦事找人、而且最重要的是路政、超限和交警白天都在路上, 晚上行車麻煩更少!這就造成晚上是各種事故的高發時段, 作為小車的司乘人員,在晚上行車,流量大、密度高,跑著"不爽" 還是其次,重要的是忙了一天的大車司機大部分涉嫌疲勞駕駛、 更有證駕不符、 違法駕駛等大比例牽涉其中給行車造成更大的安全隱患。 而且大車的座位較高,高速公路的中央隔離根本擋不住對面射過來的 一串車燈大車司機幾乎是在半眩目的狀態下開車, 你願意一路上和這樣的司機們一同馳騁嗎?


高 速公路速度快,噪音大,你的車喇叭前車根本聽不到, 超車時還是多切換遠近閃燈提醒一下對方更有用;而且, 當你發現行車道內有兩輛以上大貨車前後距離比較近時, 超車時你就要提防後面的大車突然變道超車, 那時如果你正好跑到他旁邊,那可就真要聽天由命了,相信我, 那些變道超車的大貨車在變道前能有一半在觀後鏡?看一眼的就算阿 彌陀佛了,更何況你是小車,不容易被發現且車速更快。而且, 晚上超車時,不要一直用遠光燈,在你距離被超車輛尾部貳、 三佰米時最好切成近光燈, 這樣前車才能更好的判斷你與他的距離從而不會誤判,要知道, 在路上讓其他車輛更清楚地看到你, 與你是否能清楚看到對方是同等的重要。說到這?, 想起在市里經常有晚上不開車燈或者打著遠光會車的摩托和機動車, 他們自認為自己能看清路面和其他車,而別人是否能看清他們呢? 那都是一些自私而且毫不體諒別人的人,我一直很鄙視這些人。


緊急停車道,顧名思義是在緊急情況下才能使用的車道。 我們出現場發生堵路時最頭疼的就是小車佔用緊急停車道, 造成我們無法及時到達現場,因為小車占道, 我的最高紀錄是提著勘查箱步行 七公里 出現場,當時的心?真 是既生氣又無奈:你也不想想, 既然已經堵路,在交警沒有到達現場前,你能插上翅膀飛過去嗎? 七、八十噸連車帶貨翻在路面,沒有吊車、 施救車現場路面能通行嗎?你堵的雖是交警,其實堵的也是你自己! 這都不算是重要問題, 最重要的是這些人沒有意識到前面的情況也許很危急, 有些人可能正在流血、正在被困, 在救援車輛沒有到達現場前你卻把別人的求生希望給堵的死死的! 從某種意義上說,可能因為你佔用緊急停車道而使救護、 救援車輛不能及時到達現場、 可能因為你佔用緊急停車道而使救援車輛只能冒危險逆行或從中央護 欄調頭,徒增風險! 可能因為你佔用緊急停車道而間接造成他人死亡! 根據我國的安全法實施條例第八十二條第四款規定, 對非緊急情況下佔用緊急停車道的行為處罰金 200元,並處扣六分!

如果前面出事故被困的是你的親人,你會佔用緊急停車道嗎?記住: 緊急停車道是一條生命通道!


我們大隊管轄的高速路段約 170公里, 從前事故一直是一個點三班倒, 後來隨著人員的增加及為了快速出警( 有時早到現場十分鐘可能就能救回一條人命) 我們分成了兩個事故出警點各轄一段,可就是這樣, 在自己的轄區一圈也要兩、三個小時。 有時經常接到這樣的事故報警:雙方發生了簡單的刮擦或追尾, 事實無爭議、無人員傷亡、財損不大、車輛能夠移動, 可無論我們怎麼在電話?勸,雙方當事人就是不 肯將車移到路邊! 一定要我們到現場"照相"後才肯動車!七八十公里呀! 最快也要四十分鐘一個小時!有時為了百十塊錢的損失, 兩個車橫在路面阻塞通行致使堵路達十餘公里!碰到這樣的司機, 我捶他的心都有!你為了自己的些微利益, 不聽交警的勸告一意孤行, 如果你的車輛滯留路面引發二次事故怎麼辦? 如果你的車輛滯留路面,致使後面堵路造成事故怎麼辦? 可以肯定的是如果再發生事故, 所造成的人員財產損失一定會大於你的小事故,到時, 後面的事故當事人如果起訴你,雖然你可能不用承擔法律責任, 但你百分百要承擔賠償責任!

在高速公路發生財產損失輕微的事故,如果無人員傷亡、 雙方對成因無異議,且車輛具備移動能力, 一定要將車輛移動致緊急停車道內停放, 現在的人們幾乎都有拍照功能的手機,可以在動車前用自己的手機將 原始現場拍兩張照片當然,最好能在電話?和當班民警溝通, 放心,碰到這樣的"移動現場",高速事故交警一定不會難為你的!


這兩條是相輔相成的,怎麼,不理解?我們這裡每 天都有路外的窮苦 村民上路撿空的飲料瓶,趕也趕不完, 你從這頭把他攆下去個圈他又從那頭上路了, 這就直接導致了一個後果:我們大隊每年都有三五起無名屍案件, 說它是無名屍,是因為現場沒有肇事車輛, 也有的大貨車夜間根本就不知道刮擦或撞上了行人, 現場只有殘缺不全的碾碎的壓扁的屍體,有時男女都無法分辨, 只能經DNA檢驗。至於撞傷的、撞殘的每年都有幾例,究其原因, 就是您從車窗外扔出的那一個個飲料瓶,砸壞了來往車輛還是小事, 我相信被砸得一定也不會放過你, 可是就用那一個個小瓶子去換一個雖不富裕但卻鮮活的生命, 您於心就忍嗎?當您搖下車窗拋棄廢物時, 您可能就是一個間接的殺人兇手!


最重要的我要放在最後面說。高速公路行車最怕的是什麼?是停車! 在高速運動的車流?不管因為什麼原因致使道路堵塞而停車, 最可怕的事情就可能要發生了。

?我要重點說一下小車,碰到這種情況,小車司機發現前方道路堵 塞時,一定要馬上看觀後鏡?有沒有大貨車跟著你如果有, 一定要提前減速並打開雙閃燈提醒後車注意, 給後面的大車充足的距離和時間減速,如果後面的大車按喇叭或向你 不停的閃燈,相信我,他一定是?不住車了, 你一定一定要加速往緊急停車道內鑽!哪怕會刮傷你的愛車。

每 年!每年我們都會碰到幾起這樣的事故:因為堵路, 小車停在大車後面等待放行,結果後面的大車撞上來, 後面的大車車頭都撞上了前面大車的車尾!小車在哪里?!二人、 三人、四人、五人!小車上有幾人就是幾條人命! 幾毫米厚的小車框架在幾十、上百噸重量的衝擊下比紙還薄! 不要迷信你乘坐的是什麼車,不要自認為安全, 我見過拉開後壓縮的只剩 一米 長的紅旗車,我見過被壓成鐵皮的麵包車, 我見過火中被困的人的扭曲的身影和嚎叫, 我見過擠得只有二指寬的人的頭顱

你或許會問,後面的大車為什麼不停下來?相信我,他不是不想停, 他太想把車停下來了!可是你見過核載九噸卻拉五十噸的貨車嗎? 你見過核載十九噸卻實載九十噸的罐車嗎? 你見過核載三十噸卻實載一百三十噸的巨無霸嗎?

交警早已不允許處罰卸載超載車了,你看看路上的大貨車們, 十輛車有九輛半都或多或少的超載,不超就沒有盈利, 不超就會虧錢!那遠不是交警一家就能夠解決的問題,碰到情況,尤 其是下坡路面, 你就是給這些個大半掛車後面拴上一百頭牛也拉不停他!這?暫且不 提。

還是要勸告所有碰到堵路的小車司機,將車停下後, 就算外面在下刀子也要全部離開車輛迅速移到路外, 直到你的車後排上了七八輛以上的大車後再回到你的車上! 為什麼要等七八輛?06年我手?曾有一輛車連撞十三輛車的紀錄, 在我們大隊一直沒有人能打破,你願意你是第幾輛? 實在不行就從緊急停車道往前走, 走上二三百米後再找空位騰出停車道,寧願讓交警罰你貳佰元錢, 也比命便宜!在這?,還是那句話:緊急停車道是一條生命通道! 一條你的逃生通道!


沒想到這篇即興的短文竟會寫了這麼多。最後, 我還有幾個簡單的實踐經驗想告訴在高速公路上的司乘朋友:

1、副駕駛位上的朋友,最安全的座位是司機後面的那個座位,相 信我,遇到緊急情況,司機避讓自己是本能的下意識行為, 你與他的上下級關係、感情甚至親情在這都沒用。 如果你是一個在後排臥鋪休息的大車乘客, 也請你選擇將頭朝向駕駛員的方向,你願意失去一條腿還是"一個" 頭?這不是可選擇的題目!

2、交通事故受傷致死的原因比例最高的為顱腦損傷、 胸腹臟器損傷、出血過多及休克死亡; 所以除非你有專業的醫療知識,在沒有確定傷者傷情的情況下, 最好不要輕易的移動傷患,否則,他斷裂的肋骨可能就是在你的" 幫助"下才插入心臟或動脈的。如果傷者四肢大出血, 你可以在他出血肢體靠近心臟端的關節上方用鞋帶或腰帶緊止血並及 時報警,這才是最重要的。

3、在高速公路上,一切非正常的行駛狀態下, 都要及時打開雙閃燈!包括停車、前方堵路及施工、單道放行、 前方發生事故、進入霧區等等。

4、高速公路上的重大肇事駕駛員的駕齡是6~8年!相信我, 你沒有看錯,這個資料從市、省到全國都是一致的, 個中原因您一定能體會。熟能生巧?熟也能生驕!

5、永遠把與你同在道路上行駛的其他機動車當成菜鳥, 不要把自己的生命財產安全寄希望於掌握在別人的手中。( 就好像我們一看到違法行駛的女司機就趕緊躲得遠一點^-^

6、上高速公路前,要規劃好線路,盡可能瞭解沿途的路況, 給車輛加滿油料並保持手機電、費充足,不然給你撂到荒郊野外, 那可真是上天無路入地無門啊!

7、還有一句題外話,現在的高速公路平均50~ 60就會設置一個服務區或停車區, 當您的車輛遇到小的故障或您內急時,請您堅持到服務區解決。 畢竟,你的車輛不管停在緊急停車道還是加寬車道, 不僅給您和他人的行車造成安全隱患,遇到夜間, 還很有可能給預謀或流竄的犯罪分子提供難得的發財機會。

8、最後一個很白癡的提示:報警電話永遠是110! 不要在前面加區號!

無論何時牢記一句話:一個好的駕駛員, 並不在他的駕車技術有多麼高超,而是他的頭腦中是否有安全意識。 我感覺寫得非常好,無論您開不開車,都應該知道這些, 因為您的命也只有一條。


allanti.com 一家很懂得自行車生態的公司

Where was my bike made?

Or, who actually made my bike?

Revised March 18, 2008

Please do not paste this article into a blog, website, or email as the content may be updated from time to time. Instead, please link to this page so your reader will have the most current information. Thank you.

Kerry Roberts is the past president and chairperson of the National Bicycle Dealers Association and provides consulting services to the bicycle industry. He is also the owner of The Bicycle Company, which includes Bike Pedlar retail stores in Nashville, Brentwood, and Hermitage, Tennessee.

The information contained in this report comes primarily from Bicycle Retailer and Industry News' Factory and Suppliers Guide, published annually in October. Bicycle Retailer and Industry News is the definitive trade publication in the bicycle industry. Other sources of information include trade show and factory visits, technical writers in the cycling media, and bicycle company employees who wish to remain anonymous.

Some bike companies have a few secrets. And one of those secrets is where your bike is made or who actually made it. The bike companies like it that way because many of them rely upon the same factories to build their bikes!

The big picture is pretty clear: around 95% of the bikes sold in the U.S. are made in China or Taiwan by a handful of manufacturers of which Giant is the largest.

Generally speaking, low to mid level bikes are made in China and mid to high level bikes are made in Taiwan. The exception is carbon; many manufacturers use Chinese manufacturers to make their carbon frames – even their high-end racing frames.

When it comes to knowing where your bike is made, shouldn’t it be as easy as looking at the sticker on your bike or what is printed on the box in which your bike came? After all, how confusing can a label that says “Made in the USA” or “Made in France” or “Made in Italy” be?

ell – in a word – very. It is very confusing because your definition of “made in” is different from the bike industry’s definition.

A typical rule of thumb is that the country claiming origin has to add 60% or more of the value of the final product.

For example, you and I can import an unpainted carbon fiber racing frame from China to Spain which will ultimately retail for $4,000 with Shimano components in the United States.

The frame and fork may only cost $200 from the Chinese manufacturer. In Spain, we will paint, decal, assemble, and box the bike for shipping to the U.S.

Our cost to paint, decal, assemble, and box might be $300 and the cost of the components might be another $800.

So is this bike “Made in China” or “Made in Spain?” According to the bike industry's definition, the bike is made in Spain. The sticker will say “Made in Spain” as will the shipping box to the United States because over 60% of the value will be added in Spain.

Let’s say we take the same frame and have the Chinese manufacturer paint it, decal it, assemble it into a bicycle, and ship it to Spain. When we ship it to the United States, the label will have to say “Made in China.”

Perhaps the best way to eliminate the confusion is for the bicycle industry to follow the lead of the automobile industry and tell the end consumer the countries of origin of all aspects of the bicycle.

After all, if you are led to believe by a bunch of marketing people that your bike was handmade in Spain when it was actually mass-produced in a Chinese factory, would you buy that bike? Maybe – but you wouldn’t pay a premium for it.

With these things in mind, here is an alphabetical brand by brand run down of some key bike brands sold in the U.S. along with a few bits of trivia.

Bianchi - As I was writing this, it occurred to me that Bianchi and Schwinn have remarkably similar histories. Both were turn-of-the-century family-owned companies, manufactured their own bicycles, were popular brands in their respective countries, fell upon hard times, were eventually sold, moved substantially all of their production to Asia, and have seen a resurgence in the past few years under new owners!

In 1996, Bianchi was sold to a Swedish conglomerate (now known as Cycleurope1) whereas Schwinn went through several owners before winding up with Pacific in 2001.2

Under Cycleurope, which owns 11 bicycle brands,3 much of the bicycle production shifted from Italy to Asia, with the exception of some final bicycle assembly (i.e., Asian frames assembled into complete bicycles) and limited high-end production.

Let me take a minute and address Reparto Corse bicycles, because their "Made in Italy" sticker is a source of confusion.

The historic Treviglio factory - a monstrosity of a thing which used to house much of Bianchi's manufacturing before it shifted to Asia - has a section dedicated to Reparto Corse. It used to be that Reparto Corse (RC) meant the race department where high-end bikes were made. Now it is used as sort of a branding logo to identify the upper-end bikes that get the RC design and marketing treatment.

Many of the RC bikes have a "Made in Italy" sticker, which usually means assembled in Italy using a frame made in Asia. For example, the carbon RC frames are made by Advanced International Multitech (a Taiwanese carbon manufacturer of bike parts, baseball bats, golf shafts, arrows, fishing poles, etc.) and the aluminum frames are made by Taiwan Hodaka.

There are some frames still welded at Treviglio. My understanding is that the aluminum frames with carbon rears are either welded there or, at least, bonded there. I also understand that the frames with foam injection have the injection process completed there, even if the frames come from Asia.

Although Taiwan Hodaka manufacturers many of Bianchi's U.S. models, Fairly and Giant have manufactured for Bianchi in the past.

Cannondale - Aluminum Cannondales are made in the U.S. Cannondale, which was owned by founder Joe Montgomery and his son Scott. Cannondale is now owned by its key investment fund after experiencing financial problems. Cannondale's market share appears to have diminished but stabilized.

According to Bicycle Retailer and Industry News in June 2007, low-end Cannondales are made in Taiwan - probably by Fritz-jou. Others are welded and painted in Taiwan then sent to the US for assembly. The Synapse is made by Top Key.

In February 2008, Dorel Industries announced the acquisition of Cannondale and Sugoi clothing in an all-cash transaction of $190 million to $200 million. Dorel purchased Pacific Cycle (Schwinn, Mongoose, and GT Bicycle brands) in 2004.

- Cervelo is a Canadian company. Bikes are made in Asia and assembled in Canada.
ex. Cervelo R3 is made in China.

Colnago - In 1944, when Ernesto Colnago served as a 12-year old apprentice in the shop of Dante Fumagalli, did he have any idea he would become the most famous of all Italian frame builders?

Colnago is, perhaps, the most coveted of all professional-quality bicycle brands - just look at the pages of VeloNews or Pro Cycling and see how many professional riders race on Colnagos!

Frames are still hand-made in Italy, except for three entry level aluminum models made in Taiwan (probably by Giant) and the carbon CLX, which is also made in Taiwan.4

De Rosa - De Rosa is an Italian company that is one of the Italian "big three" that includes Colnago and Pinarello. Ugo De Rosa, along with his sons, have been building bikes for over 50 years. As far as I know, all bikes are made in Italy.

Ducati - Bianchi has announced a licensing agreement with Ducati to produce a line of bikes with the Ducati name. It is my understanding that the frames will be sourced from Asia with the final assembly at Treviglio.

Felt - Felt was started by motocross guru Jim Felt. All production comes from Asia.

Fisher - Gary Fisher is the "godfather" of mountain bikes. After struggling with his own bicycle company, he sold his brand to Trek Bicycle Company. Still involved in designing and marketing his brand, Gary is a popular figure at bicycle industry events. He's sort of a cult figure with an unmatched sense of fashion! Fisher bikes are made in Asia, except for the full-suspension rigs (which are made in Wisconsin).

Fuji - Fuji is now owned by Ideal, who manufacturers most of their bikes. Ideal is one of the key Taiwanese manufacturers along with Giant and Merida. Ideal also manufactures for other brands. Topkey of China manufacturers Fuji's carbon frames.

Giant - You may have ridden a bicycle made by Giant without knowing it! Giant is the world's largest bicycle manufacturer with factories in Taiwan, China, and Europe. Giant, a Taiwanese company started in 1972, manufacturers their own bikes - including the carbon bikes, which is unique in the industry (i.e., most other brands utilize other manufacturers such as Advanced or Martec).

In addition to making their own bikes, Giant also makes, or has made, bikes for many other prominent brands, including Trek, Specialized, Schwinn, and Bianchi. Giant's claim to fame is that they have the most sophisticated and efficient manufacturing facilities in the bicycle industry.

A bit of trivia is that Giant owns 30% of Hodaka, a key Taiwanese supplier for many brands such as Bianchi.5

Giant also sponsors the T-Mobile professional cycling team.

Haro - a California BMX company started in 1977 by Bob Haro. All production comes from Asia. Haro owns the Masi brand. Kenstone, with factories in Tawan and China, is a key supplier.

Jamis - Jamis is the house brand of G. Joannou Cycle, a long-time distributor of bicycles and accessories. The bicycles are designed in the U.S. and sourced from Asia.

Kestrel - Kestrel, an early pioneer in carbon frames, introduced the first production non-lugged carbon frame in 1986. Originally, frames were manufactured in California. In recent years, production shifted to Asia. The frames appear to be made by Martec.

Kona - a California company with all production from Asia. Kona, founded in 1988, is a very small company similar in size to Marin. Fairly and Hodaka in Taiwan are key suppliers.

Kuota - Kuota frames are made in Taiwan by Martec, the same manufacturer that makes Kestrel frames. Kuota is a creation of Sintema, an Italian manufacturer of components. Basically, they designed the frames, had the frames manufactured in Taiwan, and marketed the brand heavily in the U.S., Western Europe, and Australia. Kuota has been a successful brand launch in a very short period of time.

LeMond - Greg LeMond is the first American to win the Tour de France, winning in 1986, 1989, and 1990. LeMond also won three World Championships and the Tour DuPont. His career was cut short by lead poisoning from a hunting accident. LeMond's early bikes were made by Roberto Bilatto in Italy and distributed by a now-defunct company named Ten Speed Drive Imports. The Bilatto-made frames are somewhat collectible.

After an attempt to have an independent bike company, LeMond licensed his brand to Trek Bicycle Company.6 Trek now designs and markets his bikes, which are made in Asia except for the spine bikes featuring OCLV carbon (which are made in Wisconsin).

A bit of LeMond trivia is that he helped develop the first aerobar with Scott and used it in his amazing come-from-behind victory in the 1989 Tour de France.7

Litespeed - Starting in the 1980's, Litespeed was a pioneer in titanium frame building. As their reputation grew, a steady stream of cycling legends came to Litespeed for their titanium expertise. For many years, Litespeed built frames for famous brands such as DeRosa, Merckx, Basso, LeMond, Tommassini, and others.8

Litespeed was, for a period of time, the largest manufacturer of high-end bicycles in the world. All bikes, including the Merlin brand that they own, are made in Tennessee except for the carbon Pavia (which has been discontinued). The Quintana Roo brand is also owned by Litespeed but is made in Asia.

Look - Look is a French company with frames made in France and Asia. Look is also a leading pedal brand.

Marin - a California company with production from Asia, except for a handful of high-end models. Marin is a very small company similar in size to Kona. Key Asian suppliers are A-Pro, Fairly, and Sunrise.

Masi - Faliero Masi was, in my opinion, the "grandfather" of all Italian frame builders, serving as inspiration to famous frame builders like Ernesto Colnago. Faliero sold his company to Americans in the early 70's. Since then, the brand has had several owners including Schwinn! At present, the Masi brand is owned by Haro (the California BMX company)9 and the bikes are made in Asia.

One of my favorite frames was a made-in-Italy Nuovo Strada that I bought from Cumberland Transit in the 80's. Unfortunately, it was stolen in the 90's!

Alberto Masi, Faliero's son, still hand-makes the traditional Masi frames in the shadow of the Vigorelli Velodrome in Milan. Unfortunately, these frames - due the licensing of the Masi name to Haro - are not sold in the U.S. under the Masi name. Instead, these frames are sold in the U.S. under the "Milano" name.10

Merlin - see Litespeed.

Olmo - Olmo is a prominent brand in Italy. Traditionally, Olmo has been made in Italy. I don't have any information on whether any models are made in Asia.

Orbea - Orbea is one of the two large Spanish bicycle manufacturers. It is sort of like Spain's version of Trek or Schwinn. Bikes are produced in Spain and Asia. High-end carbon frames are made in Asia and "finished" (i.e., painted) in Spain.

From Bicycle Retailer and Industry News:

Orbea builds aluminum frames in-house. Carbon fiber frame production, which accounts for half of its road bikes, up from 20 percent just three years ago, is outsourced to such Chinese specialists as Martec.

But unlike many bike makers who are content to tweak stock factory frames, Orbea does all of its carbon fiber frame design, engineering and prototyping in-house. It builds its own molds for new frames and assembles several dozen prototypes before handing off manufacturing instructions to China.

"We need to keep and develop our own knowledge of composites and carbon fiber, and then to find someone who can work with us to build what we want them to build," Joseba Arizaga (Orbea's marketing manager) said. "We make the molds, the first frames, everything here in Orbea. Then, when we are ready to do mass production, we send the instructions to Asia." 11

Pinarello - This Italian company has been producing world-class frames since the 1950's. Pinarello - along with Colnago and DeRosa - is one of the Italian "big three." You can visit their website, pinarello.com, for a nice history of the company.

Some frames are now made in Taiwan, including the aluminum Galileo. I haven't been able to confirm this, but apparently the carbon frames are made in Asia then shipped to Italy for painting and assembly.

Raleigh - A few years ago, the U.S. management team, headed by former Murray exec Bill Austin, bought Raleigh from its U.K. owners. Headquartered in Kent, Washington, production comes from Asia, with key suppliers being Kinesis and A-Pro.

Schwinn - Schwinn was for many years the largest American brand. All bicycles were made domestically until the late 80's.

In 1985, Schwinn management called mountain bikes a "fad" - oops.12 After two bankruptcies, Schwinn is now owned by Pacific, who also owns GT, Mongoose, and the Pacific (and some other brands). Pacific is headquartered in Madison, Wisconsin.

Under Pacific's ownership, the Schwinn brand is returning to prominence. Pacific sells more bicycles than any other brand in North America. However, that includes Pacific brands sold at WalMart, Target, etc.13

The bikes sold in the U.S. are made in Asia, many by Giant.

Scott USA - Scott got its start in Sun Valley, Idaho, when Ed Scott developed the first aluminum ski pole in 1958. In the 80's, Scott developed a bike line.

Eventually, Scott pulled out of the U.S. market and focused on Europe, where Scott is headquartered.14

After an absence of several years, Scott has returned to the U.S. market under the direction of Scott Montgomery of Cannondale fame. Although the company is headquartered in Switzerland, production comes from Asia, with key suppliers being Hodaka and Giant.

Serotta - Serotta is a U.S. manufacturer of high-end bicycles. It competes with Seven and Waterford and is of similar size to Waterford.

Seven - Seven is America's number one custom bicycle brand. Seven Cycles was founded by Rob Vandermark in early 1997.

Rob, previously head of R&D at Merlin Metalworks, decided to branch out on his own and develop a company to build high-end titanium and steel frames. He also wanted to offer the rider custom geometry, without extra charges and long lead times. So Rob assembled a team of experienced craftspeople who all shared a common goal: To build the highest quality, most innovative frames, and therefore provide the cyclist with the best riding experience possible.

All bikes are hand-made in Watertown, Massachusetts.

Specialized - Started in 1974 by Mike Sinyard, Specialized has enjoyed a long-standing reputation for being a leading bicycle design and marketing company.

Several years ago, Merida (a Taiwanese manufacturer) bought a substantial interest in Specialized. Although Specialized is still headquartered in California under the leadership of founder Mike Sinyard, all bikes are made in Asia. Key Asian suppliers are Merida, Ideal, and Giant.

Time - Time produces what is arguably the most advanced carbon frame in the world and all frames are hand-made in France, even the entry level frames.

Trek - It's hard to believe that America's largest bicycle brand had humble beginnings in a barn! Yet in 1976, Dick Burke - with an investment of $25,000 - started making bicycle frames in a little red barn near Madison, Wisconsin. By 1980, Trek built their first manufacturing plant in Wisconsin and the rest, as they say, is history!15

After many years of making its own bicycles in the U.S., Trek moved entry and mid level bicycle manufacturing to Asia.

In 1992, Trek introduced its proprietary OCLV carbon process (Optimum Compaction Low Void) which is still used in its handmade carbon frames. All OCLV carbon frames - road and mountain - are still made in Waterloo, Wisconsin. The all-carbon 5000 (which does not feature OCLV) is made in Asia.

Worldwide, Trek is the second largest bicycle company after Giant (of the brands sold only in bicycle stores). They are one of the most sought-after brands by U.S. dealers because of their strong commitment to brick and mortar bicycle stores (i.e., the brand cannot be sold mail order or over the Internet) and because of their dealer-friendly policies.

Trek owns (or licenses) Fisher, LeMond, Klein, and Bontrager.

Tommasini - Tommasini is a small Italian frame builder in Grosseto, Italy, of similar size to Seven, Waterford, and Serotta. Much of Tommasini's production is exported out of Italy, with their largest markets being the U.S., Germany, and Japan. In September 2006, Irio Tommasini's nieces took over U.S. distribution and are relaunching the brand in the U.S.16

Waterford - Waterford is America's number one steel custom bicycle brand. All bikes are hand-made in Waterford, Wisconsin.

In the late 1970's, a young rider, designer and builder named Marc Muller was hired by the Schwinn Bicycle Company. He brought the experience and innovation from his own framebuilding enterprise and took charge of building the Paramounts, the dominant brand of American-build racing bicycles.

In the early 1980's, Marc moved the Paramount factory to Waterford, Wisconsin and continued building elite bicycles and also created a cycling design laboratory.

Marc and his staff introduced a number of key innovations including oversized tubing (one of the most significant advances in frame design), 26" wheels, cast-in cable guides and a patented full suspension system. These advances allowed them to design and build bikes for National and World champions such as Ned Overand, Marc Allen, Mike Engleman, Tom Prehn and many others.

In 1993, Marc Muller and Richard Schwinn, great-grandson of Ignaz Schwinn, bought the Paramount factory and renamed it Waterford Precision Cycles.17

Marc is now one of the most respected bike designers in the entire bicycle industry. And Waterford, with a one hundred year heritage in bicycle manufacturing, continues to make a winning, world class frames one at a time.

Waterford is 90 minutes north of Chicago. If you visit Chicago, feel free to call for a factory tour.

What have I missed? Let me know and I'll be happy to reply. Again, you may wish to consult Bicycle Retailer and Industry News' 2007 Factory and Suppliers Guide, published in their October 1, 2006, issue. The guide lists which factories the U.S. brands use for their manufacturing.


Custom Road Bikes

This page is updated from time to time, so please check back for the latest.

Kerry started Allanti Bicycle Company in 1990. Click here to read his blog.

Are you ever confused about what high-end bike to buy?

Throughout the 30-plus years and almost 200,000 miles of riding and racing, I've sold, assembled, or ridden almost every brand of professional frame including (in no particular order) Bianchi, Masi, Merckx, Merlin, Pegoretti, Fondriest, DeRosa, Cannondale, Guerciotti, Litespeed, LeMond, Moser, Pinarello, Klein, Colnago, Torelli, Look, Vitus, Trek, Tommasini, Waterford, Kestrel, Giordana, Seven, Time, and more!

This page contains a few of my thoughts on many of the fine professional bicycles that I've had the pleasure of building or riding.

Before we talk about brands, materials, etc., let's talk about what matters the most: fit. If the bike doesn't fit, you will miss the comfort, performance, and enjoyment that a custom road bike offers.

Getting the right fit can be a little bit confusing. Almost every bike shop employee has some fundamental knowledge of fitting, but fundamental knowledge is no substitute for extensive education and experience. Our trained specialists fit more made-to-measure frames than any other store in Tennessee (and probably the Southeast). But even with our qualifications and experience, we always double-check our work in-house and make sure our most experienced people sign off on each fit.

Second to fit is buying a bike for your intended purpose. If you want to race, buy a level of quality that will withstand the rigors of racing. If you want to tour, buy a bike that is stable under load. If you just want to ride recreationally, buy a bike that is easy to handle.

Third, buy it from someone reputable who listens and is focused solely on your needs. As the old saying goes, everyone has an opinion. But some people have better opinions than others. Make certain the person giving you advice is qualified to do so. And make certain the person selling you the bicycle will stand behind their work with a solid guarantee. Our guarantee is simple: love it or bring it back.

Next on my list is materials and last on my list is brand. All the materials are good and, at a similar price point, most brands are of similar quality. But having said that, I do have favorites - for both materials and brands.

My favorite material is steel - even though I enjoy both titanium and carbon. Steel has the ideal ride properties: laterally stiff, vertically compliant, and with just enough feedback to give you the input you need without the fatigue. Sort of like driving a BMW. And, with the advances of the past few years, steel no longer carries the weight penalty it once did. Quality steel frames often weigh less than titanium. We just built up a 64 cm Waterford (a big bike!) that weighed under 18 pounds - remarkable!

There are many, many quality steel frames, but my long-time favorite was the Moser Leader AX. Designed by the Italian cycling great himself, each Leader AX was silver fillet brazed. After some tough times, Cicli Moser - under the direction of Marco Dallapiccola - is re-establishing itself with products that capture the passion of Italian cycling products.

Speaking of Italian products, the Italian cycling industry is going through a difficult time. Since 1994, bicycle production has dropped by about half. And all of this has occurred during a growing road bike market.

Although we don't sell as many Italian bikes as we used to, the Italians are the heart and soul of the bicycle industry. We certainly hope the Italian bicycle industry will be able to recover and become the market leader it once was.(We continue to sell and believe in Colnago, the premier Italian brand of pro frames).

Fortunately, artisan-quality frames are still available - and you don't have to travel to Italy to find one! In Waterford, Wisconsin, resides a world-class producer of artisan-quality frames. Operating in the old Schwinn Paramount factory is Waterford Precision Cycles.

I can't say enough good about Richard Schwinn and his great team at Waterford, so I'll just leave it at this: I have three Waterfords - a Waterford 2200, a Waterford RSE-14 for touring/commuting, and a Waterford R-14 with S&S Couplings for travel (i.e., it comes apart and fits in a suitcase). Further, most of our staff also ride Waterfords.

We are also enamored with Seven Cycles. Seven may not be a familiar name - but you know their history! Seven is comprised of the original Merlin team. Long story short: they left to start their own company and do things the way they thought they ought to be done. The result: a brilliant custom bike in steel or titanium.

If you want a world-class product, if you need custom geometry, or if you need a special paint scheme, Waterford and Seven are it. Take a test ride on our demo bikes and I'm certain you'll agree.

Let me point out that Watefords and Sevens are truly custom-made. They are made to measure for you, with your style of riding in mind. Why buy an off-the-shelf frameset when you can have it made-to-measure for a similar price?

I might add that my Waterford 2200 with Dura Ace components, a Thomson stem and seatpost, Flite Gel Flow saddle, and standard wheels with Mavic Open Pro's weighs a little over 19 pounds. I also have the traditional steel fork (which adds over half a pound) - so figure 17 pounds with carbon fork and racing wheels. My Waterford R-14 weighs under 18 pounds even with the S&S Couplings.

For folks who want an "off the shelf" titanium of top quality, we sell Litespeed. Litespeed is the industry standard in titanium - and it may surprise you to know that they are made right here in Tennessee! I might add that Litespeed now makes custom geometry frames - so for those who need custom geometry, you can choose from either Litespeed or Seven. Those are two great choices!

My carbon favorites are two: the Time VX-SR and the Trek OCLV. The Time is truly a European exotic - the absolute finest that money can buy! If you watched the 2004 Tour de France, this is the bike that Voekler and Virenque rode in the Tour.

Unlike many Look and Orbea models, the Time frames are made in France and not in Taiwan. And the Trek is U.S.-made in Madison, Wisconsin. And it's true: Lance really did race on an out-of-the-box Trek. That's pretty cool.

For those that have ridden the Trek OCLV in the past, you'll have to check out the latest generation - it has finally arrived. I've ridden many of the previous generations, but the latest version is surprisingly good. After test-riding one that I had built for a friend, I told my wife that I'd like to buy one. With their Project One custom program, you can have it custom-painted or custom-assembled with the components you specify.

Other choices? How can you not like the Italian frames from Colnago and Pegoretti? Ernesto Colnago is absolutely, without doubt, the most revered framebuilder in Italy. If you ever travel to the Milan cycling show, you'll quickly know exactly what I mean!

Component group? Campagnolo Record or Shimano Dura Ace. If any shop employee ever criticizes either one of these groups, head for the door! I ridden both for many miles and they are both GREAT! For the life of me, I can't figure out why some shop employees feel the need to criticize one or the other. Campagnolo Chorus or Shimano Ultegra are great choices as well, but not as light or durable.

Pedals are another hot topic of conversation. My attitude is whatever takes care of your knees. I've been a big Time fan ever since Greg LeMond showed me a prototype pair in October of '87. A few years ago, I switched to Speedplay and was thrilled. My wife and I both use Speedplay on our tandem. But recently, I switched back to Time and have been very satisfied.

For several years, I used Time Equipe Pro CX shoes. I really didn't think the shoe brand matters. Fit is far more important and one brand might fit you better than another. But - I just started using the Northwave Aerator Pro Road and I'm totally in love with these shoes! Wow! They are the most comfortable shoes I've worn (and probably the most expensive!).

At any rate, go ahead and buy in the $175 and up range -- they'll last much longer due to the higher quality uppers, straps, and soles.

On the mountain bike side of things, I ride an old Nuke Proof (or Puke Proof as Adam has renamed it!). It's an old Litespeed-made ti equipped with new XT 9-speed and Bontrager wheels. Since I mainly bomb around the trails with my son, I don't feel the need for the latest and greatest - although the Trek and Giant full-suspension bikes are very tempting!

In closing, we sell high-end frames from Waterford, Seven, Litespeed, Merckx, Time, Colnago, Pegoretti, Giant, and Trek. And as we often tell people, we sell what we love - not the other way around. We pick lines that we believe in, not lines that just happen to be available or are the hot frame of the season.

If you have specific questions or need advice, please feel free to call. We're happy to help!




Five rules for men to follow for a happy life

1. It's important to have a woman, who helps at home, who cooks from time to time, cleans up and has a job.

2. It's important to have a woman, who can make you laugh.

3. It's important to have a woman, who you can trust and who doesn't lie to you.

4. It's important to have a woman, who is good in bed and who likes to be with you.

5. It's very, very important that these four women do not know each other


Tiger Woods













萊斯大學瓊斯管理學院(Rice University, Jones Business School)教授貝克斯特(Mickey Baxter)分析,挑戰型業務員表現突出,「關鍵在於這一類型的人的三種特質。」



「我們不是說和客戶的關係和諧不重要,相反的,它非常重要,但光是經營客戶關係遠遠不夠。以關係至上型來說,他們經常會『服藥過量』,過度重視客戶 的感受。」貝克斯特指出,從客戶的角度來看,關係至上型可能會讓他們在和客戶互動的過程當中讓客戶心裡舒坦,但卻不會讓客戶記憶深刻或重視。而挑戰型業務 員了解這一點,所以採取完全不同的策略,「客戶也許不喜歡他,但是會尊敬他。

景氣蕭條期間,最能贏得訂單的是挑戰型業務員。那麼,景氣復甦期間及復甦之後,又是哪一型業務員能夠勝出?CEB的研究很意外地發現,複雜度低的銷 售環境裡,苦幹實幹型和孤狼型的業務員業績較佳,但領先幅度不大;但如果是複雜度高的環境,挑戰型業務員的表現卻遠遠超越其它類型的業務員。





通常許多使用者會測試花鼓順暢度的問題.將輪子做旋轉動作,看看軸承花鼓順度的考驗可以維持多久的運轉.但是不能成為實際騎乘運轉的標準,因為有附載車重與 騎乘者重量下會不相同.舉例來說,一般徑向間隙越大的軸承空轉越順暢,也就轉的越久,徑向間隙越小的就越緊還會感覺的到潤滑油脂的黏膜強度,這就是所謂的高級 高速軸承.高精密度軸承可以做較高的重負載,還可以保持順暢度.包含軸向動作的順暢度(如單車轉向過彎的軸承負載狀態)




迷思一, 天價學區宅套牢父母:




要說學區這條件,會讓房價高上多少,似乎也沒有什麼明確的統計。最 常拿來舉例的是師大附中國中部,學區是和安里和仁慈里,範圍是仁愛路、大安路、信義路和建國南路之間,區域裡除掉仁愛醫院、福華飯店、師大附中、延平中學 及台北市農會的用地之後,住宅實在有限,而且又位在精華地段,即使沒有學區的條件,房價也會很貴,有學區會有源源不絕的父母愛來買,價格會一直持續。



買房子入住是個爭取學區的方法,設籍也能拿到入學門票,把戶口遷到 學區內的親友家,是最簡單經濟的作法,或是在學區裡租個可以設籍的房子。因應少子化的影響,2006年台北市開放學區設籍的條件,學區內定居3年以上的租 屋族,提出法院或經法院授權民間公證單位開立之公證租賃證明,也可以參與分發。


如果家裡有3歲左右的小朋友,想要進入一級優良學區就得注意囉!每 年3、4月各縣市政府教育局、區公所會公布各校學區,額滿學校(指的是雖住在學區裡,但不一定排得到的優質學校),以4月25日為統計新生基準日,具優先 分發要件的人才能有機會入學。優先分發要件:父母與小孩共同設籍在學區內同一戶籍,小朋友在學區裡有居住事實,入學前一年購置房地產的權狀證明,或連續3 年的公證租屋證明,相關資訊可以查詢各區公所的民政課。


迷思二, 境內移民,用通勤成本換大房子:

時下最流行的「境內移民」,大概會發生在二種區域,一是台北都會圈 外圍的衛星地帶,如林口、三峽、安坑一帶;另一種是新興計畫區,如板橋新站特區、新莊行政中心等。這些區域都擘畫著美麗的未來,交通建設及公共工程也朝著 願景前進,大片空很久的地開始動工,也正是預售屋大行其道的地段。


新市鎮的開發,工程期至少要個10年8年,價格起點比較低,開發期 間的經濟變化較多,賺賠的風險高;新興計畫區由於多在近市中心區,房價基礎點高,投資成本較高,但開發時程約3-5年,加上地段的支撐,投資的風險相對低 一些,獲利幅度當然也較低,然而房價雖然不能上翻幾倍,但持平或穩定成長的機會相對不小。


土地開發可不是今天說了明天就好,那些有先見之明的,除了建商以 外,最早蓋好的那幾棟房子的投資者,當然能夠享受投資利得囉!只是大部分的人們,購買房子的經驗實在不多,以自住而言,買了又住了,當然帶有感情,要賣的 時候常有心靈掙扎。很現實的是,如果沒實際賣出成交,即使有增值,也都只是房價「數字」,雖然這個數字能讓人心理有安慰,但終不是落袋為安的實質受益。



另一個比較切身的問題,如果住在新移民區,到處都是開發中的工地, 跟願景有連結的,可能只剩下預售時接待中心大圖上的記憶,出入會遇到大卡車大貨車,滿是灰塵和砂石,還有工地吵嘈的噪音作背景,住在林口的小娟道出生活現 實的為難。更讓原本住在大安區的小娟難以適應的,是生活機能的不便,所有的生活機能都要開車才能到,跟以前走路逛大街的生活經驗實在不能比。


以1200萬元的總價來看,買了林口有車位、室內45坪左右的新大 樓,室內開闊寬敞還可以看得很遠,只是晚上只有路燈和工程警示燈,鄰居很少。上班族的她每天要早起至少1個小時,晚上回來再1個小時通勤,夫妻兩人工作 忙,還得要有2輛車才行,油錢過路費還有時間,這些成本加起來,在台北買個1500萬的房子成本差不多,而1500萬在台北大安區,有機會買到還不錯的 25坪公寓或舊大樓,加上較優的生活機能。

在預算有限的狀況下,新移民區房子新又大,但須再等一段時間附近的生活機能和環境才會逐漸完備。市中心則可能需要住在狹小的舊房子裡,但相對生活機能完備,且通勤時間短。 離開熟悉的生活環境,要有多少的遷移成本,除了計算房價以外,心情的負擔可別忘了算

迷思三, 預售屋,買到夢想的代價?


君不見,預售屋接待中心的配置,就是為了打造價格而設的,一進門先 讓你瞭解的是區域重大建設的願景,再告訴你生活環境裡的美好,讓你油然而生:「這真是個好地方」的心情,然後告訴你建設公司的豐功偉績,還有多少人已經下 訂的肯定,加上燈光美氣氛佳、裝潢真美麗的樣品屋催化下,你心中那把尺,價格至少會提振一些,意念一鬆弛,就下了訂呢!










通常預售屋賣得比新成屋還貴了一截,就是賣消費者一個日後增值的夢 想。究竟值不值得買?最粗略的方式是,當未來景氣不被看好,就需要小心為上,因為可能非但沒增值還多花一筆夢想錢。但當未來幾年景氣看好時,預售屋就值得 買,因預售屋多出來的那些費用就是買個兩三年蓋好之後的增值機會。

至於增值的幅度,就還要看當地的未來發展性,比如說捷運題材、三鐵 共構、重大建設、整體都市計畫等等。並且也需注意,還沒動工的未來建設,地點是否確定了?還是只是個「可能會有」的建設?捷運站離市中心幾站?並非有捷運 就是萬靈丹,如果捷運要坐20站才能到市中心,那捷運的功能只是在當地生活區域內移動,跟市中心價格連動的程度就小了

迷思四, 新大樓、老公寓?我該買哪一種?


迷思五, 年輕人最愛,小宅真的好脫手?


小宅的特性是符合小家庭生活需求,所以至少是1房1廳或是2房1廳的格局,空間雖不是開闊寬大,但麻雀雖小五臟俱全。以總價條件來看,是當區比基本首購族高 一些的預算,比換屋族負擔輕一些的負擔,在財務的考量上,有些人會有一筆裝潢費用,把室內空間設計作好一些,或是另一種手邊有現金可以作其他投資,而不是 把錢都花在追逐貸款上,可以有其他投資,增加資產的機會。

新 建的小宅則以捷運共構或捷運沿線為主分布,以開發者而言,建築、規劃、銷售、售後服務等工作,一戶就是一次工。豪宅大戶的要求雖然多,但金額很高;套房的 客戶內容很單純,也沒有什麼條件改裝或談判,同質性高,服務起來也便利;唯有小宅的產品,服務要求比套房高許多,但價格的增量卻不見得大,於是市場上相關 產品為數不多!
依 內政部戶籍人口統計資料,全台灣人口的戶數增加,但每戶人口是減少的,依2009年12月的統計,全台灣每戶平均人數是3人,而台北市是2.69人,台北 縣則是2.82人,每戶人口逐年呈現遞減趨勢。居住人口數是下降的,雖然大坪數還是大眾的夢想,但實際上實用與負擔可相比擬的,小宅就成主流了!也就是說 在以往套房首購跟首次換屋小3房之間,多了小宅的選擇。

迷思六, 誰來買單?陸客投資會是騙局嗎?

三通的議題正夯,彷彿只要三通,台灣的經濟就可以振興起飛,彷彿台 灣的房地產就靠陸資來拯救。陸資進場的議題其實炒了好多年,最早是陸資透過香港企業為界面,來台購買辦公大樓,但是幾年下來,台灣的辦公室租金收益比,一 直維持在3%~6%之間,實在不是有效益的投資,於是辦公大樓產品就不再是主要標的了。





日前信義房屋舉辦「兩岸不動產互動與展望研討會」,邀請大陸房產鉅子-萬通集團總裁馮侖來台,他為陸客投資下了精闢的註解,他說:大陸人投資台灣房地產以 「好奇」為開頭、「無奈」做結束,有點像是「門開了,但門栓沒拔」!因為台灣的投資規模小,來台手續繁瑣,申請投資沒有優惠條件,還有30%的投資上限、 也不可購買土地等規定,開放購買的商業辦公大樓,投資報酬率低,無利可圖。此外,大陸官方審核控管嚴格,陸資申請赴台投資要通過很難。





依代銷業者觀察近兩年的房地產交易量,有近2成是台商回流貢獻的,台商的身分跟一般購屋者相同,沒有陸客資金流通等問題。由於台商來去匆匆,看屋的時間不 長,對台灣房地產價格掌握不易,能夠比價的機會也不高,不管是預售屋或新成屋,下訂的速度快,是好客的代表。如果能夠吸引更多的台商回台購置房地產,比吸 引陸客來台容易也可行得多,這也算是另類的陸資投資了

迷思七, 都更,最後只是一場空?




迷思八, 捷運共構,搶到就是佔便宜?

與捷運站聯合開發的產品,在捷運剛開通的幾年,大家對捷運的施 工品質沒有信心,一會兒擔心龍蛇混雜出入複雜,一會兒又擔心捷運震動房子會搖晃不穩,但是這幾年營運之後,捷運局的開發設計,整合規劃及與建商合作的能 力,備受肯定。另一方面,捷運的便利已成為都會區人口最重要的通勤工具,於是捷運共構的房子,也就成為房地產中很熱門的產品。
目前市場上銷售的捷運聯合開發大樓,依結構體的構築方式,大致 分為2種,一是與捷運站共構,利用車站出入口、通風口、大廳層、捷運轉乘系統及機廠用地,與捷運設施的結構相連接,目前板南線後山埤站、文湖線大安、科技 大樓站,新店線古亭站、七張站、中和線頂溪站等多屬此類,坪數的規畫比較小,使用登記大多是一般事務所,沒有停車場,公共設施也很少。大樓的出口與捷運站 相連通,即使有分別的出入口,仍然難脫吵雜之感,而登記使用為一般事務所,在持有的稅費負擔及貸款條件上,都會有些影響。
另外一點值得注意的是,由於捷運聯合開發的大樓,是大家都愛的 熱門商品,所以價格早已高於週邊市場行情,許多拍賣價格幾乎已經高於行情3成,獲利空間有限,而聯合開發將會持續進行,也就是說相同的產品會一直出現,其 獨特性也就降低,供給量大,需求者沒有相對增加,價格當然也有可能下滑,所以在購買時也不要一直追高搶進

迷思九, 以房養老!銀行按月付款給你


台灣邁入高齡化社會,每一個年輕人要負擔2-3個老人的照顧責任, 這樣一來,以往養兒防老的機制,面臨的是無兒沒人養或是少兒養不了的困窘,這讓大家開始注重退休的財務規畫,為老年的生活品質維持作準備。於是,「以房養 老」的概念便深得民心,而能夠執行逆向抵押貸款的前提是:房子現在沒有貸款負擔。

以房養老,簡單地說是一種反年金或稱逆向抵押貸款,以往我們購屋向銀行借錢,一筆借出然後分期償還貸款;而以房養老的方案,是銀行按月給所有權人一筆錢, 活得愈久領得愈多,一旦所有權人死亡,則房子產權歸給銀行。這一類的金融方案,在國外行之有年,是一種活化資產的經濟行為,對於住宅擁有率接近95%的台 灣,生育率又是全球最低,加上社會觀念改變,留財產給子女的想法也漸漸淡薄,台灣推行逆向抵押貸款的條件時機更加合適。

大家會覺得,如果所有權人把房子賣掉,然後把錢分期提出來用,難道不會比較划算嗎?人的壽命長短,當然很難判定,為了保證每個月有固定的錢可用,所以反年 金可以保障老年的生活品質,不會面臨錢花完了,人還健在的困境,逆向抵押貸款有保險的功能;老年人多不喜搬遷自己所熟悉的生活圈,逆向抵押貸款還可以讓所 有權人繼續居住在原地。




以美國的經驗來看,從1989年開始至今大約有39-40萬戶採行逆向抵押貸款。在美國,房屋價值的認定,是以公正公開的透明資訊環境裡的估價價值,而反 觀台灣的房地產交易資訊不透明,估價制度及相關配套措施也不甚完善,銀行及所有權人對房屋價值的認定難有共識,契約要成立相對困難。所以想要「以房養 老」,要先推動的是房地產交易資訊的透明化,才能清楚定義及估算房屋價值,才能有後續的推動

迷思十, 法拍屋,一般人能買嗎?




法拍屋資訊十分公開,查詢也便利,從法院公告、銀行公告、中央日報的分類廣告、法拍屋相關資訊網站(如山水法拍屋)、法拍屋附近張貼的公告,都能取得。大 眾如何看待法拍屋呢?便宜是一定要的啦!經過法院拍賣程序,產權是一定清楚的,得標之後再整理售出,有機會獲得高報酬率。




對於跟法院打交道,大部分的人是有些不自在的,其實法拍屋的投標流程並不困難,與一般買賣的差別只在看房子和資金準備兩項。看房子的時 候當然沒有仲介人員協助,甚至於有可能不能看室內,有關點交與否?(不點交的房子法院不會負責交屋給你)是不是有租賃權存在?有沒有優先購買權人(如地上 權、典權人、承租人等)?或是有沒有買賣移轉登記的限制(例如:國宅、農地等)?所有的資訊都要靠自己摸索。






